


Elena G. Kordikova was born on June, 22 in Krasnodar, Russia. She has finished a secondary school N19 in Krasnodar, an University of senior pupils at the biological faculty of the Kuban State University (KSU), a certified distanced preparatory telecourse at the mathematical faculty of the Moscow Pedagogical State Institute (MPSI) (exams in KSU).


== Education ==

1985 - B.D. in Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; Diploma in Zoology and Botany, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;


1990 - B.D. in Geology, Search and Prospecting of Natural Resources, Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan; Diploma in Engineering Geology, Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan;


1991 - M.D. in Paleontology and Stratigraphy, Institute of Paleobiology of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia;


1992 - Ph.D. in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, Institute of Geology of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia; Diploma in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences; 


2001 - Dr. in Geology and Palaeontology, Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Tübingen University, Tübingen, Germany (Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Febr. 2001; Prof. Dr. W. Fruehwald);


2003 - Dr. in Geology and Palaeontology: Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Stuttgart University, Stuttgart, Germany; Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Tübingen University, Tübingen, Germany (IC N7000154908, Alexander v. Humboldt Foundation, Research Fellow of the Alexander v. Humboldt Foundation = "Sponsorship is limited to those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in research and who contribute significantly to international cooperation and understanding")



== Professional Experience/Career ==

1985-1995 - Institute of Zoology of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, Almaty, Kazakhstan; Junior Scientific worker (1989-1991),

Scientific worker (1992-1995);


1990-1992 - Institute of palaeobiology of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia (Postgraduate Course, Acad. Prof.

Leo Gabunia) M.D. (1991), Ph.D. (1992);  Work on the research project "Fossil Trionychoidea of Kazakhtan";


1995-1999 - Kapchagay Geological Survey at the Ministry of Ecology of the Kazakhstan Republic, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Leading palaeontologist & Collection manager (1995-1999);


1998 - Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Stuttgart University, Stuttgart, Germany; Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde,

Stuttgart, Germany; Guest Researcher; Work on the research project "Early Miocene Carnivora of Aktau Mountains, Dzhungarian

Alatau, Kazakhstan" (grant of the DAAD);


1999-2001 - Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Tübingen University, Tübingen, Germany;

Guest Researcher, Dr. in Geology and Stratigraphy (2001); Work on the research project Ways and regularities of the evolution

of Testudinata (grant of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation);


2001-2003/2004 - Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Stuttgart University, Stuttgart, Germany; Staatliches Museum für

Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany; Guest Researcher; Work on the research project Mammalian faunas from the Miocene of Sout-

Western Kazakhstan (grant of the Volkswagen Foundation);


since 2004 http://www.meierhold-poesie.narod.ru/


http://www.super-kordikova.narod.ru/, etc.



== Grants and Fellowships ==

1989 - the American Express grant (Rome) for the participation in the International Teriological Congress, Rome (Italy);


1990 - the T. Roosevelt grant of the American Museum of Natural History (New York, USA);study of fossil and extant trionychids in the AMNH, MCZ, Florida State Museum, in private collection of Prof.Dr.P.Pritchard (Ovido, FL, USA);


1992 - a grant on biodiversity of the International Science Foundation named after G. Soros (Moscow, Russia);


1993 - a grant of EarthWatch Foundation (USA) for the organization, leadership and implementation of research project Cenozoic turtles of the Aktau Mountains, South-Eastern Kazakhstan - JOB WAS DONE. BUT UP TO NOW I HAVE NOT GOT ANY MONEY;


1993 - a grant on biodiversity of the International Science Foundation named after G. Soros (Moscow, Russia), visitoship to Evolution-93, Fourth Congress of the European Society for Evolut. Biology (Montpellier, France);


1994 - a grant of the University of Michigan (Ann Arbour, USA) for visitoship of the Museum of Palaeontology of the University of Michigan (Ann Arbour, USA);


1995 - a grant of the National Geographical Society (USA) - organization, leadership and implementation of the international project Late Cretaceous and early Cenozoic vertebrates: the Aral Sea Region, Kazakhstan;


1995 - a grant of the French Ministère de lEducation Nationale (Paris, France) organization, leadership and implementation of the international project Oligocene-Miocene sequence stratigraphy and vertebrate paleontology of Western and Southern Betpakdala Steppe, South Kazakhstan;


1997 - a grant of the Ministère des Affaires Etrangères (Paris, France) for the participation in the Biochrom-97 (Montpellier, France);


1997 - a grant of the British Council (Almaty, Kazakhstan) for the participation in the ICVM (Bristol, UK);


1997 - a grant of the Third World Herpetological Congress (Prague, Czechia) for the participation in 3th WHC;


1998 - a grant of the DAAD on the project Miocene Carnivores of South-Eastern Kazakhstan;


1999 - a grant of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (Beijing, China); study of the Chinese Paleogene, Neogene paleontological collections;


1999 - a grant of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation (Bonn, Germany) on the project Ways and regularities of the evolution of Testudinata;


2000 - grants of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation (Bonn, Germany): 4 European Research Fellowships (Poland, France, Switzerland, Great Britain);


2001 - a grant of the Volkswagen Foundation (Hannover, Germany) on the research project Mammalian faunas from the Miocene of South-Western Kazakhstan;


2002 - a grant of the Chelonian Research Institute (Oviedo, FL, USA);


2002 - a grant of the American Museum of Natural History (New York, USA);


2003 - a grant of the Volkswagen Foundation (Hannover, Germany) on the research project Mammalian faunas from the Miocene of South-Western Kazakhstan - prolongation; Elena KORDIKova Electro(Auto)Mobile Corporation;


2003 - a grant of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation (Bonn, Germany) on the project Ways and regularities of the evolution of Testudinata



== Publications ==

more than 70 papers on a wide variety of vertebrate groups, including turtles, caudates, dinosaurs, lizards, rodents, carnivores, perissodactyls and artiodactyls; on analysis of the Central Asian faunas, biostratigraphy, paleoecology and mechanisms of evolution of some groups of vertebrates;


12 monographs, excluding 2 big monographic papers revised by Prof. W.-E. REIF being in N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. since 2003.


13 books Tasya MEIERHOLD. Poesy. Books NN. HOW TO MANAGE PEOPLE. - Krasnodar: Royalty, 2011/2012. - 336 . /  . . NN. . - : , 2011/2012. - 336 .



== Pressa ==

Earthwatch Science Report, Palaeontology, 1993, N11, p.7;


TV-KTK, Almaty, Kazakhstan, News, 1995, June, 22, 7.00;


Simm, M. Beschwerliche Fieldarbeit zwischen Orient und Okzident. Auf den Spuren den Saeugetiere im Kasachstan des Miozaens. - Impulse-2002, pp. 28-31.



== Membership ==

International Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology,


Russian Herpetological Society, and


Teriological Societies of Kazakhstan and Russia.



=== Hobby ===

chess, PC, literature, theatre (ballet, opera),  classic & guitar music, etc.              










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